You’ve Been Blogg’d

So I was thinking of doing this for some time now and think its high time I followed through with it. I wanna get out and meet some and vibe with folks..learn some new things and refresh some old. I would LOVE for y’all to follow me on this journey! I’m sure its one you’ll fall for. What I mean is that there are so many talented folks here on the ‘VU – that’s what I like to call it (IMVU) and you’ll see why on a later journey:). So yes I want to meet up with and get to know these people and just what makes them tick-tock. Who do you want to hear from or know more about? I know of a few – evil grin. Now keep in mind they don’t have to be creators or meshers. They can be models, actors, graphic artists, businesses, business owners; whomever, whatever you can think of. Let me know wassup and I will let you know wassup. My goal here is to expose folks, put their talents on blast, learn all about who they are, what they do. I am so intrigued by so many amazingly talented people! I’M SO EXCITED. I’m not gonna tell it all, but its going to be phenomenal! Who shall be the first victim – rubs hands together. YAZZZ..let’s get it!! Until next time..


Shop VQ..for the MAN that's not all about business.

Shop VQ..for the MAN that’s not all about business.

What is the ‘VU to you?

I think many are confused as to what IMVU is. Well I can’t say confused because IMVU is something different to everybody. Even the nay sayer – points around the room, you know who you are. To those of you who are ignorant to what IMVU is let me enlighten you a bit. IMVU is somewhat of a social media baby that was birthed on the concept of bringing people from ages 13 – whatever together in the virtual world giving them the infinite opportunity to be whomever they want to be, go wherever in the world they want to go, own as many homes and personalities as they want. If they’re sick in the real world they can be the epitome of good health and strength in the 3D or virtual world. Moreover, IMVU allows millions of these people to come together and share common bonds through the use of an avatar they would create and use to chat and interact with other avatars. Keep in mind there are real folks behind these avatars people! Mhm. You like that?! LOL. I LOVE IT. Abso-gawd-dayum-lutely! Enlightened much?. Okay so listen, I say all of that to also stress that  IMVU is NOT a game. so many people – and I’m not talking about you :), but there are many who don’t know shit about this virtual world or who use that term “game” so loosely. Either its against another to make that person feel ashamed or less human or it is used to shut down some out of control egos – crickets. They may say, “it’s just a game!”. NOPE. Alright, yes there are mini games within the client that one can play with their friends, but in its entirety no no NO. IT IS NOT A GAME. So stoppit! I can take that one step further and say that while IMVU is NOT a game, there are folks that get on this social media platform and like to play “games”, i.e. fuck people over, steal, defame, lie, cheat, and just straight up bully. How could you?! Booo to you! I say live and let live. Isn’t there a saying that says, “don’t take life too seriously”? Well that’s what some of us are doing here! If someone wants to create a virtual life and don the persona and physical characteristics of a Disney character, a fury, a stripper, a mommy at 90 with 20 children, a 40-year-old pacifier sucking baby, a doctor,a  lawyer, a CEO or owner of 20 businesses.. PLEASE let them have that.  Hey tell me somethin’ WHAT IS THE ‘VU TO YOU? Leave your comments. Until next time…


Bump up your style with OHBABYBUMP!

For the bump on the go here’s KYLIE & KIM featuring DFM’s PEACOCK & PALM designer inspired totes.

Label Whore-der

I am in such a great mood and am excited to let you in on it!  OHBABYBUMP is such a joy for me. I am loving the bump! Who says a woman with a bump ain’t smexay..PLEASE. I have created some pretty awesome pieces lately pats self on back – including bags! YAZZZ I love me some designer any and everything and so I created the DFM – Designed For Mommy designer inspired bag line. If you’re a label lover like me you will enjoy these bags. They’re not just for the bump but for every woman. The first babies birthed to this line are the Fendi inspired PEACOCK, ISLAND, COCONUT, & GUAVA. I’ve also done a Prada inspired on called PALM. LOVE IT. Please pick these babies up. Better yet I will do you one better. Answer the poll on the Contest & Poll page and leave in the comment section your choice of DFM bag. Aren’t you excited!? I am for ya! LOL Until next time…Bump up your style with OHBABYBUMP – wink.


Bump, bump, bump bump it up!

Bump, bump, bump bump it up!

Re-Focused & Revived

I am so excited about my new focus…MATERNITY. UGH YAZZ. I love to see fabulously styled bumps don’t you!? If you have not heard, I have semi-retired from Vixtee for various reasons that I will blab about in another post, but I am now full time creating for OBB – OHBABYBUMP. I do hope you all will join and support me on this journey. No I am NOT prego. LOL. I lack all the ingredients to make that happen, chile. Yes me and the man are on the outs once again and maybe for good this time, but that’s another tale to tell on another day. SO if you or someone you know is prego PLEASE show some love and visit OBB’s shop for all your maternity needs. My customs are also open for showers and nurseries. visit the OBB group for more info! I have a few babies as well that I’ve done and will do more! I’M SO EXCITED and so inspired. This is what being an IMVU creator is all about. I enjoy it and do it for the love of it. Hope you like! BUMP UP YOUR STYLE, y’all with OHBABYBUMP!


MYRNA feat. GUAVA bag from OBB's new DFM line.

MYRNA feat. GUAVA bag from OBB’s new DFM line.

‘Tis Only A Season

Hey, y’all! Well Christmas is done and onto the preparation to ring in the new year – 2015! So put away the decorations and toss out or pack up the tree. Are you ready?! I am so NOT. LOL. I love Christmas and all that it means and brings. The air is brisk and feelings of nostalgia set in, spending time with family and good friends, sippin’ eggnog spiked with Bailey’s – yassss y’all know that’s my drank! Yes drank. No spell or grammar check needed. It’s also a time to give thanks and love on the gift that keeps on givin’ – mine and your Lord and Savior – JESUS CHRIST. Yazzz. So I went to church yesterday and would like to share a word or two. I was told that  while the year is ending His work is not. I don’t know about you, but I know that God is NOT through with me yet. He is still working on me and in my life. The struggles and hardships that I am facing or anything that you may be struggling with is only for a moment. This is only a season in my and your life, not a life sentence. Right?! I thought the same thing! Like OMG what a statement – ’tis only a season, peeps! Let’s really ring in 2015 knowing that He is a present and is present in our life – new year, new you, a brand new beginning! So fa la la la la la la la laaaa! Until next time, peeps…


Miracles do happen...

Happy Happy Joy Joy

I am so excited about this holiday! I feel like a whore in a brothel full of wealthy and well hung men..LOL..well a girl can dream. Ok so this year has been so good to me both real and 3D! I have some of the most awesome supporters and I just want to shout them out right here and now: THANK YOU SOOO MUCH, Y’ALL FOR ALLLLL THAT YOU HAVE DONE AND I KNOW WILL CONTINUE TO DO IN 2015….YAY. Yaazzz I am in love with you all! You know who you are. You may check the VFE for a list if not..bloop. Now if I can just get caught up on my gifting we would be perfecto, right?! LOL. Yes I do show my love with gifts through my V.I.P – Vix’s Important Peeps. I attempt to do this monthly, but a girl gets side tracked and swept up in madness. I know, I know that’s  no excuse, but its so real though! If you’ve been readin’ my previous posts you know. mmhm.

I would love to recap my wonderful creative year with a show and gala. Hmmm now I just gotta get with my team to put it all together. Of course this will NOT be happening’ before this year ends – too frantic, plus I already know we all got shit going on from family to spiritual so I won’t even try y’all like that. LOL. Sooooo look forward to that announcement. Ok so I will not keep you. Go on back to your shoppin’, cookin, wrappin’ gifts, or whatever..with all my love i send you the best of holiday wishes! MERRY CHRISTMAS, Y’ALL.


Yes I too am a shop-a-holic! Oh and yess a label whore..cheeeese.

Yes I too am a shopaholic! Oh and yes a label whore..cheeeese.

Not For The Meek

Hello once again, dahlins! Yes I know its been a minute..isn’t that how it always is, though. Shit happens and then you realize there are more important things than wiping your ass…LOL..I couldn’t resist..get it..just sittin’ on the crapper and “shit.. happens”? Anyways. Sooo I’ve been up to a whole lot and the world keeps turning so I try to keep up. First things first. Okay so yes its all about the revamp. Yes, dahlins, I will be redoin’ the blog. I feel it needs a bit of a makeover and a twist of Vix. So stay tuned for that.

Now let’s talk about somethin and imma need y’all input so pay attention..LOL..and please DON’T JUDGE ME. I think love is for the birds at least it’s not for the meek at heart and God knows my heart has been through a lot. I’ve had more heart breaks than a cardiologist has seen. Well I exaggerate, but you feel me? I allow myself to fall for the okie doke and the grass is greener bull shit…smh. Many have asked themselves…”when is this gyal gonna learn?!” I’ve had great advise thrown at me time and time again and yet I feel my way will get me where I need and want to be. I ain’t got there yet. LOL. UGH. I give up though and am throwin in the towel. My mind aint right as it is and this shit is takin it places it don’t need to go like keyin cars, smackin bitches and lookin through windows and hiding behind im serious. No im kidding. GTOH. Like boy byyyyeee. WHO THE FUCK has time for all that shit. Listen. Yes he had my heart. Did absolutely nothin to deserve it. I fucked up not him. Like i said from the beginning – I allowed his ass to do me dirty so these dirty ass sheets I lay in are my own fuckin neglect. I made this bed. Imma lay in for now, but not forever. I’m lickin my wounds but only in this moment. Once this post is done so is all the anger and self-pity comin’ from these keys. Have I learned? Probably not. I would hope to move on from it and take somethin from it though and be able to see it comin next time before it turns me upside down and smacks my ass. If only I had been equipped at birth to handle all the bullshit that “men” throw at you. I tell is NOT for the meek or faint of heart…smh. Soooo anywayz, tell me wise ones, how many licks does it take to get to the center of the tootsie Pop?



Be chased in CHASED

Be chased in CHASED

What .. A Man?

I’ve been accused of being a male basher. Now I don’t know who is telling that lie..|looks around|..hmph LIES..LOL. Okay, yes I have bashed one or two in my sordid past, but in this post I don’t want to bash, but I do want to put those who use the term “man” loosely on notice. Y’all feel me? Mmmhm, I know you do. Let me also say that I do not agree with the term “a good man”. If you are a man then you’re good. If you a male acting out then you are not considered a man and you just a male acting out and failing at your attempt to grow tha fuck up. You, sir, get a F.

First, let me just inform you from my own humble knowledge, that one is either born male or female. One is NOT born a man or a woman. You understand? The latter two are grown and in that period of growth have learned certain behaviors – hopefully, that entitle them to own it. Now please don’t get it twisted, “man”, yes you are grown, but it does not mean that you are mature enough to handle all that comes with the male badge of honor. Yes that’s what I call it. When one has achieved certain things, done certain things, i.e. has proven himself worthy. Then and only then can he sport the badge and call himself a man. Stop it ‘lil boys. Let me give you a clue as to what a man is and what skills he must acquire and put to great use in order for him to fix his lips to hum. Alright I said I wasn’t gonna do bashing… so I digress…|takes a deep breath|. Okay. Let’s get into it.



  • Attentive: “Where the fuck you at?! |snap snap| HELLER.”

A man pays attention to details, his family, his woman, his child support, his style, his tape, his hygiene, his friends, his pets, his bills, voice and text messages from his significant or insignificant other (THOT), his bank account. A man listens.

  •  Respectful: “Say whah?! ‘SCUSE ME?”

A man is respectful of other ‘s’ time, feelings, thoughts, modus operandi, personal space, obligations, finances, menstrual cycle, decisions. A man treats others how he wants to be treated.

  • Decisive: “Can you make up your mind?! GYAAD DAYUM.”

A man is able to take control, stand by and stand firm on his decisions and not waver. His thought process is organized and the decisions that he makes are made with conviction. His choices are smart and calculated.

  •  Dependable: “What you doin’?!”

A man is someone one can depend on to stay true to his word. If he says he’s going to do something, he does it. When he says he’s going to be somewhere, he’s there. When he says he’s interested in you, he shows it. The bottom line is a man is only as good as his word; a man is what a man does. Therefore, if he says one thing and shows you the opposite, trust that and the opposite direction.

  • Courteous: “WTF”

A man is chivalrous, respectful, has good manners, is polite, does not curse at you or ridicule you in public, is thoughtful, has  regard for other’s feelings, time, and space.  He is careful with his tongue…hmmm…mmmmm..oh umm he is not quick-tempered and slow-moving i.e. he is not easily angered over bullshit and if so – because I respect that he is human, he is not slow at owning his role in it, taking a breath, and apologizing |snap|.


Ok so ‘nuff said..’cause I can go on and on as others have since Adam. ..smh. Know your role my male counterparts. Read up. In a future article I want to celebrate you, but one has got to step up and bring it. Again, this writing was not to bash “men”. Hopefully it has enlightened a few lost souls and set those straight who were wavering. Although helpful, it takes more than a big dick to make this pussy wet.

Until the next post…


Shop VQ..for the MAN that's not all about business.

Shop VQ..for the MAN that’s not all about business.

Disclaimer: There are many definitions of what a man is from the Bible on down. The opinions stated here are clearly my own and have been bred through my own experiences and the experiences of others known personally to me.

This Is Your Sunday Best?!

Happy Easter to all my saints and sinners! LOL. Don’t be suckin your teeth and rollin your eyes. Take that hat off and put that purse down and laugh with me y’all! LOL.

I am so blessed and excited to join you here today with this post! I pray your Sunday went off without a hitch and that all your praises that went up, rain down many many bountiful blessings upon you and all those you prayed for. I hope one of those peeps was me👀. LOL. So yes I went to church as did millions of folks today. The only difference between me and many of them is that I do it every Sunday…ok I may miss one Sunday, but you get me. I mean I couldn’t get my usual parking spot, my cup of coffee, my normal seating! Peeps I was directed to the overflow auditorium👀. I didn’t even know we had one! What is this!? The horror of it all! Why y’all do it? I know this has been goin on for centuries and it should come as no surprise. So why am I? Well really I’m not. I’m just dumbfounded by it. Makes me want to change my whole modis operandis and stay my black a…behind home on every Easter and Christmas. Look you know who you are..quit the foolishness. If you can’t humble yourself and respect The Lord and His house on a more regular bases, stay your a..behinds home and let me maintain my enjoyment and sense of normalcy. Please, I beg of you.

UGH..I digress. I cain’t..smh. How was your Sunday? The same I bet..LOL. Gawd I hope not. Did y’all peep that poll and contribute your response? Hurry up! What you waitin on?! I got some more writing to do. Thanks for ALL you do. Oh, check out all my cakes and goodies at my sweet treats cafe, Sweet Vee’s. YUMMM. Until the next post..




Checked Ya Pulse Lately?

Hey, y’all! Checked ya PULSE lately? No not that one…ya heart’s all good if you sittin’ up here readin’ this..LOL. I posted just a ‘lil bit ago and will repost and repost and repost..YOU CAN TOO..LOL.. that there will be a new complete outfit tonight rollin’ out over at Vixtee Dezignz..always keepin’ you in style! The best news is that for all my V.F.E. members and my Blog followers I am givin’ the first 5 that purchase it 50% cash back! So stay locked on the Vixtee Dezignz catty tonight for SHAYLA! As always, tysm for your support! I’m givin’ back!





Before you go, take this poll. I wanna see your thoughts too on the matter so take another moment and leave a comment. Until the next post…



Make your spring fashion just as hot as your summer with Tira. Michael Kors bag and wedges sold seperately.